Day 74 Constantine & High Priest conspire to rule the world

Constantine and the High Priest in office in his day wanted to rule the world and joined forces to get that done. Constantine had the armies and the High Priest had the power and authority and influence. So in the third century AD they set out to design “church”. Before this there were many pagans and Jews and followers of Jesus out and about with no cohesion and very little direction. Constantine and the High Priest were driven by greed. Throughout history the “Church” has been the wealthiest organization in each and every society on earth that comes and goes. “Church” is a corporation selling its products like any other corporation. The “sellers” or “merchants” of whore “Church” are the priests and the preachers and the pastors. They tell you to worship a cross (the tool used to snuff the life out of Jesus) and attend a meeting every day to crucify Jesus of Nazareth over and over and over and over again. They convince “the faithful” by default to believe “Church”, an earth organization, and “the faithful” by default are “the bride of the Christ of God”. Their well planned sales pitch says since everyone has to be the bride of Christ to live, you have to be a member of “Church” or it will “excommunicate” you and “excommunicated” equals death. You die. 

Author’s Note: It has just occurred to me that in some parts of Church excommunicated may be called “the second death”. I discuss the second death in the book and it will be published here in this blog. Excommunicated from “Church” is not the second death. Hear me now. Those caught up in the chains of “Church” you are free. Just walk out. They cannot harm you. In fact Creator G-D commands you COME OUT OF HER. Come out of her now. 

Just so “Church” is not seen as harsh the High Priest came up with the idea that all people will continue to sin so that when a person dies they go to purgatory and only their family still alive on earth can buy them out or pray them out. In conjunction when a person alive on earth continues to sin they may pay “Church” enough money while on earth to pay for their indiscretions by being able to buy indulgences. An indulgence is a get out of hell free pass. If a person does not buy enough indulgences to stay out of hell then he is sentenced to purgatory. They were not quite “holy” enough to get into heaven meaning they did not bribe “Church” sufficiently. Well, now your poor family has to pay through the nose for as long as “Church” can convince them it is necessary to get your sinful self out of purgatory, which is a bad place of much suffering and it is imperative they get you out. 

Forget about the blood of Jesus of Nazareth. They have watered that down sooooo far that in “Church” anyone can sin in anyway they want to because one “Church” chosen merchants, the priests or pastors, give them “absolution”. To get all this done Constantine and the High Priest took the writings of the disciples of Jesus, the Torah and Pentateuch of Jewish Tradition, and the rituals, teachings, and beliefs of the pagans combined them  into one collection conglomerate to use to subdue the masses and make money off us. They put verses where they wanted to and took out verses. They changed the meaning of some of the written verse. All “Church” today comes from this poisonous branch of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. There is no LIFE in it. 



2 throughts on "Day 74 Constantine & High Priest conspire to rule the world"

  1. Constantine and the High Priest in office in his day wanted to rule the world and joined forces to get that done. Constantine had the armies and the High Priest had the power and authority and influence. So in the third century AD they set out to design “church”. Before this there were many pagans and Jews and followers of Jesus out and about with no cohesion and very little direction. Constantine and the High Priest were driven by greed. Throughout history the “Church” has been the wealthiest organization in each and every society on earth that comes and goes. “Church” is a corporation selling its products like any other corporation. The “sellers” or “merchants” of whore “Church” are the priests and the preachers and the pastors. They tell you to worship a cross (the tool used to snuff the life out of Jesus) and attend a meeting every day to crucify Jesus of Nazareth over and over and over and over again. They convince “the faithful” by default to believe “Church”, an earth organization, and “the faithful” by default are “the bride of the Christ of God”. Their well planned sales pitch says since everyone has to be the bride of Christ to live, you have to be a member of “Church” or it will “excommunicate” you and “excommunicated” equals death. You die.

    Some history for you.
    in 324 AD, Constantine the Great saw the cross in the sky and as a result, converted to Christianity. This conversion stopped the executions of Christians in the Colosseum, which was a very positive direction for the Roman World, and the world in general, yet you portray this as a negative direction. How is that a negative direction? Honestly, I view the line of demarcation at 1095 (when the Crusades began) and was reaffirmed by the Indulgences Crisis of the 1500’s (the issue that created Lutheranism) as more negative than the conversion of Constantine.

    Food for thought.

    1. I have heard this version of Constantine’s conversion. The one I think is closer to the truth is that Constantine asked Jesus to be his Lord and Savior on his death bed basically with his last breath. It is important to note here that these posts are being copied in order from the book “The Original Identity Theft” that The One called Holy penned through my hand in about 2 weeks in 2010. It sat in a notebook for a decade. I did not know if I would ever see it again. But then when I crushed my foot and found myself sleeping in my car because workers comp did not afford me a place to live the notebook showed up again. I spent the years while I went through workers comp sitting in my car in some public parks I enjoyed editing the 168 page book to the 200+ page book it is now. Still on the same notebook. The Lord G-D has just now allowed it to be published. We are for sure in the last days and tribulation has begun. This book is a field handbook for the true sons of Creator G-D to follow home. I hope it helps even one sojourner.

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