Do with this truth what you will.
Category: “The Original Identity Theft” Book
THE TREE OF KNOWLEDGE HAS FAILED NOTE THE DAY OCTOBER 7, 2022 THE TREE OF KNOWLEDGE HAS FAILED The information age is over. Nothing is as it seems. Anything you put your trust in that is NOT the One CREATOR G-D will vanish like smoke….. dissipate like the wind……. THE ONLY “KNOWLEDGE” THAT IS REAL…Read more
Day 307 Never wish for more time. TIME is the prison wall of the curse
Today I found myself in a crucible of time. Something had to be done immediately and 3 factions had to come together perfectly for it to happen……. I was pressured to wish or ask for more time. You know. That quick thought or expression under your breath, “I need more time.” DO NOT DO THAT….Read more
Day 283 It is written: A thief comes in the “back door”………
I’m just sayin’ ……………………. Selah
Day 182 Build your Ark NOW
I am convinced we are in Israel’s last week. The last week is 70 years. So sometime in the next 70 years we will see the advent of the antichrist. The two witnesses will prophesy and be stoned in the streets. There will be a rapture and then the end in 3.5 years. We are…Read more
Day 267: Evil grows old in those who take pride in malice
Sirach 11:16b Evil matures and sprouts young in those with malice aforethought. The young ferment into the stench we see in the news and live each day. Error and darkness were created by the rebellion of Lucifer at the instant participants were cut off from Creator G-D the ONE LIFE. This is why “cut off”…Read more
Day 263: Apologies only work if they fix what you did.
There is a large lie perpetrated through church and society today that permeates our world today having to do with forgiveness and the effectiveness of “sorry” as the offender steps over the wreckage of the person they just destroyed and moves on leaving the victim to pick up their own pieces. So let’s look at…Read more
Day 262: Unexpected personal consequences
I have published a book here (The Original Identity Theft by Theresa Bryson) penned at the command of The Lord G-D from the direction of the One Called Holy. I was just being obedient. It never occurred to me there would be consequences to myself for that obedience. Looking at it now I should have…Read more
Day 253 When Children spread lies about their parents Matthew 10:21
It is a very strange world we live in 2022. What can possibly be coming at us next? One answer to this question is found in the Bible in the book of Matthew chapter 10. V 21: Brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child, and children will rise against parents and…Read more
Day 239 The Spirit and the Bride say Come
The great news for all humankind is that TIME IS OVER! Those of us incarnate now are the last. When we leave time space this time we are home never to return again. Even the memory of these first two creations is gone. Jesus of Nazareth said, “If I be lifted up, I will draw all men…Read more