What it does not say is where the peril is going to be coming from. Our example is Jesus of Nazareth. His journey through time space was to tell us a lot more than what is written in the 4 gospels of the Canonized Bible. Jesus of Nazareth was abandoned and betrayed by the ones…Read more
Month: May 2024
Day 34 On the Road Home: There is none good. No Not One.
As I was growing up in Jesus, I attended a lot of seminars and became part of a lot of the movements in the church in the midwest, where I am from. One of them was a teaching out of Texas that pushed evangelism. One of the scriptures they used to let people know they…Read more
Day 33 On the Road Home: Hear me now. The “warring angels” are what we commonly call demons
There is a deceived faction of those who call themselves christian that follow this or that tv prophet that is broadcasting we can and are supposed to “command the warring angels”. First, what they are calling the “warring angels” are the 1/3 of angelic beings that were deceived into serving Lucifer in the rebellion when…Read more
Day 32 On the Road Home: The Ashera Poles are destroyed
The ashera poles were the power grid the worshippers of Ashera and Baal, Canaanite deities, set in place in Israel at the time of Jezebel as the power generator for the witches incantations and curses and spells. God told Israel to smash the Ashera poles and statues of Baal. They did not obey. They are…Read more
Day 31 On the Road Home! Satan is a liar and the father of all lies
Happy Tuesday Morning to you here in planet earth time space. We have pretty much always known Satan is a liar and the father of all lies. It is just about the first thing written after “in the beginning” in the Bible. Satan has been perfecting his skills at lieing. Lies and liars have permeated…Read more