Day 164 Jesus, The Christ, Made Provision for Us who are here in the last days

Jesus made provision for the earthly Kingdom. He passed the job of keeping the earthly kingdom in tact to his wife, Mary Magdalene, at the last supper. The meal widely known as “the last supper” was a Passover Seder. A Seder is the family meal all Jewish families observe on the first and probably second night of Passover depending on their beliefs and family tradition. The Passover Seder is observed on Passover in remembrance of The Lord G-Ds deliverance at the Exodus from Egypt. The last supper as celebrated by Christianity is a Seder. Mar Magdalene, the legal wife of Jesus of Nazareth on proper Ketubah, sits on the Right Hand of Jesus throughout the meal. She is the cup, the chalice, of The Christ. The cup of the Christ is the womb of Mary Magdalene. The womb of Mary Magdalene is the Chalice of The Lord G-D of Templar fame. The Chalice of The Lord G-D is The Holy Grail is the Womb of Mary Magdalene, Wife of Jesus of Nazareth, The Christ of The Lord G-D. In her womb she carries the second Adam, first born of the new Heaven and the new earth. The new Heaven and the new earth is embodied/incarnated in the child born to Jesus of Nazareth, The Christ of The Lord G-D, and Mary Magdalene, his wife, the embodiment/incarnation of Lilith. Mary is either with child at the time of the last supper or Jesus impregnates her in those few hours before he is taken prisoner or during the 40 days he walked the earth after his resurrection before The Lord G-D called him up and his ascension into Heaven. The point is, Mary Magdalene was pregnant when Jesus was crucified. Mary Magdalene did give birth to the physical daughter of Jesus of Nazareth the Christ and she named her Sarah.

Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ, left the earthbound kingdom of The Lord G-d, in the hands of Mary Magdalene, his wife. Mary Magdalene left the earth bound kingdom of the Lord G-D in the hands of Jesus’ daughter, Sarah. Mary and Sarah were to carry on the work of turning the hearts of the children back to the Father after Jesus ascended. This is why Jews trace their race through women. According to Sanhedrin as we have it today until a new Sanhedrin is convened, providing they ever find that many Jews not defiled by the love of money, right now YOU ARE A JEW IF YOUR MOM WAS A JEWESS. The rest of us who know we are Jews by genetics have to wait for the law to catch up. 



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