Day 27 the supply in evidence

I new there was something special about the car he was about to show me.

It was a beautiful Toyota Camry HYBRID.

I had never had a Hybrid before and frankly the scared me. I had heard nasty rumors about how the batteries cost tens of thousands of dollars and the batteries are not covered under the warranty or insurance. If they have to be replaced you are stuck with the cost.

I thought it was fine because he would never get me the loan.

He already had it.

There were still several hurdles to leap over. My home state would not give me a license or tags or title because it had a nick in the windshield. A friend told me to go to another friend (you are beginning to get the pattern here) who told me he could pass my car for inspection that would allow me to get my licenses and the title. IF I took the car to a windshield repair shop he knew and had them heal the windshield. 

I paid the 250 to get my windshield healed and  I own a Toyota Camry Hybrid.

Now all of that is pretty amazing. It gets better.

In my work for The Lord God I was sent to a church that had lost its way. In the process of G-D cleaning house they defamed me. I could not work. I could not pay my rent. I ended up living in that Toyota Camry Hybrid. I did not understand the significance of the Hybrid engine until one day I met another sojourner whose home was in a state the other direction from my car dealer, but he worked a multiple six-figure j o b in Washington D.C. So, instead of wasting money on a hotel or to try to get and apartment in D.C., he slept in his car three to six days a week.

He explained to me that the Hybrid engine ran off the battery as long as I kept the heater or the air conditioner down to one indicator. If I turned it up so that two, three, four or more indicators were showing it would cause the engine to use gasoline. With only one indicator showing I can be comfortable in an weather and not use very much gasoline at all.

He was right. Of course. I was able to go to work and do everything I needed to and sleep, be warm in the worst of blizzards with very little gasoline required.

I saved hundreds, maybe thousands of dollars during this season of my journey. The Lord G-D had provided a shelter for me in the presence of my enemies. 

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