Day 69 “Walk out among them”

One of the leaders of the group “pinged” me coming directly to me to find out why I had not been at the Grand Finale. He was gruff and scolding. He scowled at me that I would be left out for another year since I did not attend the final lesson.

My Luminary friend faded while he stood facing off with me in attack mode. She strengthened a bit when he left. The convention leader came out on stage turned to face me and pinged me. By “pinged” I mean he turned to me and out of his eyes flashed a ball of fire torpedoed directly at my head. My Luminary protector stepped between me and the ball of fire and took the hit in my place. She let out a moan as it hit. H fired again. She jumped to intercept the ethereal bullets. Again a quiet moan escaped her lips as she recoiled from the hit. He spoke something to my Spirit ethereally and the angel with her countered it. I saw his lips moving and there was a distortion like sometimes happens with a heat wave but I did not hear or comprehend his words. I am certain none of the other attended to the conference were aware anything was happening. 

It was hard for me to keep from squeaking in horror that morning as flashes of light sped toward me that would have penetrated me had it not been for the Luminary sitting next to me who absorbed the hit for me. She moaned wit the pain of each impact. 

In the next few minutes it became clear that the purpose of the “Grand Finale” was hypnotism. A hypnotist placed the entire auditorium under a hypnotic spell. No one who was present in the auditorium for the meeting the night before was spared. And in that time when the attendees were all hypnotized the leaders put in place in the mind of those under the spell the plan of the second beast in service to the red dragon to conquer the world. With this accomplished in each one of the attendees he took their free will, and made them zombies for the antichrist system set up by the second beast to rule the prophesied last “week” of Israel and the “week within the week” of the end times on planet earth. 

I was preserved pure and unaltered through a very miraculous salvation sent from The Lord G-D and Jesus the Christ, His Son. Guarded by angels and protected by a Luminary, a Star.

Authors Note: Guard your eyegate and your eargate. This is not a game.  Hollywood even made a movie called “Bird Box” with Sandra Bullock as a crude depiction and warning about the dangers we live in. The convention where I was saved by a Star and Angels was a real life experience of how the indoctrination is being carried out today. True sons of The Lord G-D were captured through hypnosis that day, drafted into to the ranks of Satan armies and forced to serve the red dragon through hypnotism. They are deceived. They think they are serving “god”.  Some live in the hypnotic state of emotional intensity and fervor fired by the belief they are on a special mission for god. No. They are in fact the ones that will be killing true sons. They will be doing it in the name of “Jesus” under the banner of “Christian” . When you encounter these living under this deception do not engage them. Do not try to “save” them. Do not attempt to give them truth. The Lord G-D and Jesus The Christ sort this out at the end of the age at the Great White Throne Judgment. At this point it is only important to protect yourself. We only have any option to save ourselves. We cannot save our spouse or our children. Each will stand on his own before Creator G-D and make answer. Save yourself. 

The conference leader paraded person after person across the stage before the crowd and in small numbers in the middle of the crowd to demonstrate how complete the transformation had been. He tried to “ping” me many more times in that meeting but the Luminary took the hits each time he sent forth those light torpedoes aimed at my head. 

Finally, as the break out session began to close, My Luminary friend and protector turned to me and said, “Let’s get out of here while we can.” 

It is written Jesus, “walked out amongst them” when the Pharisees were plotting to kill hi in Jerusalem before his time. The Luminary and I did indeed walk out among them accompanied by the angels. I am here to day of sound mind and body free from the antichrist mind control to serve The Lord G-D because she brought me out from among them that day saving me for the second time. I AM preserved whole at Creator G-D, The Lord G-D THE ONE would have it. 

The events shared here are real. I do not lie.

The Lord G-D saved me that day and preserved me whole according to His diving plan that I may succeed and not fail. The testimony and witness of these events strengthen me so I do not despair in the dark days. I share them with you so you can to be strengthened. To G-D be the Glory!

2 throughts on "Day 69 “Walk out among them”"

  1. Authors Note: Guard your eyegate and your eargate. This is not a game. Hollywood even made a movie called “Bird Box” with Sandra Bullock as a crude depiction and warning about the dangers we live in. The convention where I was saved by a Star and Angels was a real life experience of how the indoctrination is being carried out today. True sons of The Lord G-D were captured through hypnosis that day, drafted into to the ranks of Satan armies and forced to serve the red dragon through hypnotism. They are deceived. They think they are serving “god”. Some live in the hypnotic state of emotional intensity and fervor fired by the belief they are on a special mission for god. No. They are in fact the ones that will be killing true sons. They will be doing it in the name of “Jesus” under the banner of “Christian” . When you encounter these living under this deception do not engage them. Do not try to “save” them. Do not attempt to give them truth. The Lord G-D and Jesus The Christ sort this out at the end of the age at the Great White Throne Judgment. At this point it is only important to protect yourself. We only have any option to save ourselves. We cannot save our spouse or our children. Each will stand on his own before Creator G-D and make answer. Save yourself.

    The Hollywood reference seems a bit out of place here. How is this connected to the rest of the posting?

    1. I am referring to how the angels prevented me from attending the meeting where the crowd was hypnotized. I was not there to see it. They leaders could not capture me through my eyegate. I was not there to be hypnotized. They could not “ping” me to capture me. I was saved from this. The movie “Bird Box” is a movie rendition of how we can be captured by seeing something. The Lord G-D Commands we guard our eyegate and our eargate so we cannot be taken captive by the devil. Teaching by example, explanation, and visual representation.

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