Day 203 Fight or Flight

In Blog Day 202 I had sort of an internal spiritual encounter with my own past as I typed the blog from the book I authored and publish here over a decade ago with the One Called Holy actually penning the prose and I tried to keep up typing. In the section where I share the day I was ripped away from my daughter with autism I start to tell you how we were set up. How I was supposed to accomplish chores with my handicapped child that would take 90 minutes with a more average child and get it done in 60 minutes.  I knew it was a set up. I just did not have a clue what to do about it. And I really had no clue just what they had in mind. 

But I have slept on it since I wrote to you yesterday and I think I was more right than wrong to head out that day. I do not know if my other daughter and my ex husband were in that room or not. I will probably never know. But they had me at a disadvantage that day. The encounter with the police had unnerved me and I was overwhelmed. I just did not have the strength to think what to do. I could not take my daughter with me. I did the only thing humanly possible for me to do at that moment in time. I really do not have much memory of what happened in the days to come. I went to the hearing. My ally the child psychiatrist in charge of her care did not stick with me on the stand. He was supposed to definitely recommend me as having full custody. Something else happened in the meetings where I was not included and nothing really happened for my daughter that day. But in the weeks and months ahead she was burned, beaten, hidden in closes with cock roaches and rats, and raped repeatedly by those very people who set me up so I could not be her guardian.  

I can only say beware. Take care.  I was and am completely innocent of all charges. They actually cleared out my entire folder with one page remaining that says “falsely accused”. 

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