The work Jesus of Nazareth did for us as the Christ of God on the cross is final and finished. I bumped into this truth a long time ago. One of the trips Jesus has taken me on was to the old location of hell. It had street signs and shops. Everything was red like…Read more
Month: January 2022
Day 232 Hell is not Hot now. Jesus won
In Day 321 I shared an encounter I had with a “goddess” demon in the checkout line of a popular department store chain. As part of the back and forth between us, she accused me of unspeakable sexual acts, that are not true, and then started cursing me with physical signs and her words. At…Read more
Day 231 God Provides for us before we know we are going to need it
Remember the discussion I had on the time coming when our Sun goes into Super Nova? The book of Daniel in the Old Testament or Hebrew Bible was written for us 5,000 years ago so you and I who are on planet earth when the Super Nova happens could have their witness before us That…Read more
Day 230 The Tribulation of the True Sons of The Lord G-D
I will say that if you have never been tested to the point where you rage, you will be. We are in the last days of this earth and this creation. We are staring the red dragon in the face. The antichrist is on earth as well as the false prophet. There was a theory…Read more
Day 229 Even if it looks like a true son lost a battle, they won
The Lord G-D does not leave even one of His true sons defenseless ever at any time. You never fail. Even if it looks like you can chalk one up for the red dragon, it did not win. You still win. I am not a defeatist that looks at everything through a rose-colored glass. I…Read more
Day 228 Put on the whole armor and then trust in The Lord G-D when in spiritual warfare
Any well-trained special ops soldier will tell you that they prepare for battle every day before they begin their day. They are prepared for all contingencies. But even then, they are confronted by unexpected attacks. When they are taking gunfire, they rely on their training and the provisions they carry, and they rely on their…Read more
It has been a while, about a decade, but I have read a book entitled, “The Handbook of the New Paradigm”. This book has some truths in it, but one thing it has wrong is the idea the globe we are living on right now is the “New Earth” spoken of by Jesus of Nazareth…Read more
Day 226 What is TIME
Time is a boundary Creator G-D the ONE set around the rebellion to prevent it from continuing on and on without ceasing. Time is a box that holds all that is rebellion, Lucifer now Satan and his followers and minions and attempts at creation and those deceived into his service and the antichrist system. Like…Read more
Day 225 The sons of rebellion are scattered for the birds to feed on
The sons of rebellion who are scattered across the expanse for the birds to feed on were killed by the sword which proceeds from the mouth of him who sat on the white horse. This is the picture of the return of Jesus of Nazareth, The Christ of G-D. The slain who belong to the…Read more
Day 224 The Angels call the birds to the feast of The Lord G-D
The panorama continues in the Heavens as The Lord G-D closes out this second creation. Then John saw an angel stand in Heaven and call in a loud voice saying to all the birds that fly in the midst of the expanse, “Come and gather together for the supper of the great G-D that you…Read more