Day 117 Trinity Part 1: “God the Father”

Yes. Creator G-D the ONE exists. Hear Oh Israel THE LORD THY G-D IS ONE. THE LORD THY G-D IS ONE LORD. ONE. not 3. never 3. 

Yes. Creator G-D the ONE exists. For the atheists who deny HIM.

Yes. Creator G-D the ONE exists. For the agnostics who think there something out there but they can’t find it and it has nothing to do with them.

Yes. Creator G-D the ONE exists. He is just not what you think or have had instilled into your brain.

God is not father. G-D is CREATOR. CREATOR is not the same as father. When a man enters a woman and “fathers” a child he is not “creating” life. Only THE LORD G-D CREATES anything, especially “life”. Man and woman procreate a child. Procreate means TO GENERATE OR BRING INTO BEING SOMETHING ALREADY CREATED. 

The Lord G-D, Creator G-D the ONE did not procreate you.

I have been in the throne room of Creator G-D the ONE as it is now in the third creation. I was with Creator G-D the ONE before time was made and set in place to limit Lucifer’s rebellion. I answered the call to arms from Creator G-D the ONE at the sound of the rebellion. I answered the question “Who will go for us?” 

Creator G-D the ONE appears in many ways. I experienced the one that is dark clouds and lightning peals of thunder. I experienced the voice as peals of thunder. I experience Him as the gentle breeze. I experience Him as the sound of a babbling brook. I experience HIM without ceasing.

The one understood as “Father G-D” when invoking “the trinity” is a copy of Creator G-D the ONE set up by Lucifer (the devil) the red dragon in the book of Revelation, set up to deceive the faithful into idol worship. The Lord G-d is CREATOR. CREATOR is not father.

I am witness Creator G-D is ONE.

I am witness “the godhead” is a lie from the first beast. 

The “trinity” does not exist. 

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