This week the words “original sin” came up frequently in my day to day activities. I said at one point that my ideas on “original sin” were probably much different than those who were using the phrase. It is my understanding that for many or most people who use the phrase “original sin” use it…Read more
Month: August 2022
Day 300 Test EVERY spirit
It was said of Jesus “a bent reed he will not break”. How much more do you think he will have that way with us, the children? It is written in the Hebrew Bible a word from Creator G0d, the ONE, “If anyone assails you fiercely, it is not from me.” Whatever makes you angry…Read more
Day 298 Climate change is real-it is a move of Creator GOD toward the end of days
Climate change is the symptom. Nuclear bombs hitting mother earth over and over is one cause. We are killing our planet. Mother earth is dyeing because we are shooting her in the heart over and over. Chernobyl nuclear plant melt down in Russia was the direct hit. People either were born after that event or…Read more
Day 297 “I am not my own worst enemy”
Growing up and off and on through life I have heard someone say “You are your own worst enemy.” I took that to mean I was being a clutz or batting around like a bull in a China closet causing havoc and chaos for myself because of a stupid I did. That stupid not being…Read more