Daniel, Shadrach, Meshack, and Abednego are the best example of nonconformance I can think of in the Bible. They had been taken captive and carried off to a foreign nation as servants to a foreign king. This king served a lesser god than Creator G0d, The ONE God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The king,…Read more
Day: May 31, 2022
Day 282 Creator God, the ONE says, “If anyone assails you fiercely, it is not from ME.”
I have been watching the mass shooting event as it unfolds in TX wondering just what I could say that would be relevant. Here it is. HEAR THE WORD OF THE LORD IF ANYONE ASSAILS YOU FIERCELY, IT IS NOT FROM ME. IF ANYONE ASSAILS YOU FIERCELY, IT IS NOT FROM ME. IF ANYONE ASSAILS…Read more